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SwiftUI List not updating when core data property is updated in other view

@State var documents: [ScanDocument] = []

func loadDocuments() {
    guard let appDelegate =
        UIApplication.shared.delegate as? AppDelegate else {
    let managedContext =
    let fetchRequest =
        NSFetchRequest<NSManagedObject>(entityName: "ScanDocument")
    do {
        documents = try managedContext.fetch(fetchRequest) as! [ScanDocument]
    } catch let error as NSError {
        print("Could not fetch. \(error), \(error.userInfo)")

In the first view:


Now I'm pushing to detail view one single object:

NavigationLink(destination: RenameDocumentView(document: documents[selectedDocumentIndex!]), isActive: $pushActive) {

In RenameDocumentView:

var document: ScanDocument

Also, one function to update the document name:

func renameDocument() {
    guard !fileName.isEmpty else {return} = fileName

All this code works. This print statement always prints updated value:


Here's the list code in main View:

List(documents, id: \.id) { item in
     ZStack {
          DocumentCell(document: item)

But where user comes back to previous screen. The list shows old data. If I restart the app it shows new data.

Any help of nudge in a new direction would help.

There is a similar question here: SwiftUI List View not updating after Core Data entity updated in another View, but it's without answers.


  • NSManagedObject is a reference type so when you change its properties your documents is not changed, so state does not refresh view.

    Here is a possible approach to force-refresh List when you comes back

    1. add new state
    @State var documents: [ScanDocument] = []
    @State private var refreshID = UUID()   // can be actually anything, but unique
    1. make List identified by it
    List(documents, id: \.id) { item in
         ZStack {
              DocumentCell(document: item)
    }.id(refreshID)     // << here
    1. change refreshID when come back so forcing List rebuild
    NavigationLink(destination: RenameDocumentView(document: documents[selectedDocumentIndex!])
                                   .onDisappear(perform: {self.refreshID = UUID()}), 
                    isActive: $pushActive) {

    Alternate: Possible alternate is to make DocumentCell observe document, but code is not provided so it is not clear what's inside. Anyway you can try

    struct DocumentCell: View {
       @ObservedObject document: ScanDocument