I'm using MySql and PHP and I have this table, where each item can contains other items and so on...
RowId | ItemId | ChildItemId
1 | 1 | NULL
2 | 2 | NULL
3 | 3 | 1
4 | 4 | 1
5 | 4 | 2
6 | 5 | 3
7 | 5 | 4
Challenge: getting all parents
I would like a query that get all the parents/ancestors, at any hierarchy level, from a given ChildItemId.
Result expected
If I supply ChildItemId = 1
Any help with query, loop, CTE, php code or whatever solution?
In the CTE, you can get all the parents/ancestors by generating all routing table using the recursive call. The following query filters by TargetItemId after generating table.
with recursive Ancesters as (
select 1 as Level, ChildItemId as TargetItemId, RowId, ItemId as AncesterId, ChildItemId
from MyTable
where ChildItemId is not null
union all
select a.Level+1, a.TargetItemId, m.RowId, m.ItemId, m.ChildItemId
from MyTable m inner join Ancesters a
on m.ChildItemId = a.AncesterId
select distinct AncesterId from Ancesters where TargetItemId=1
You can also filter by ChildItemId in advance .
with recursive Ancesters as (
select 1 as Level, ChildItemId as TargetItemId, RowId, ItemId as AncesterId, ChildItemId
from MyTable
where ChildItemId=1