I'm making an app with Vue and Laravel using Bulma as my CSS framework. I want a footer that stays at the bottom of the page even when the content doesn't 'push' it there. Currently I have this in my custom CSS:
body {
display: flex;
min-height: 100vh;
flex-direction: column;
is the div in my default Blade template into which my app is injected:
<div id="app">
And this is my main Vue component in which the routed components are injected
<router-view :key="$route.fullPath"></router-view>
<footer class="footer">Test</footer>
This works fine when there's enough content to push the footer to or beyond the bottom. But if there's not there's a large gap at the bottom of the screen and the footer is pushed right up to the bottom of the content. What gives?
Flex properties work only between parent and child elements. There's no inheritance beyond the children. So if you have something like this:
<div id="app">
. . . and want to pin the footer to the bottom at all times, you'll need something like this:
body {
display: flex;
min-height: 100vh;
flex-direction: column;
#app {
flex: 1;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
footer {
margin-top: auto;
More about the scope of flex properties:
Understanding flex auto margins: