I'm trying to kill an .exe with subprocess.Popen.
Solution as:
taskkill /im (.exe) /t /f
taskkill /pid (.exe) /t /f
aren't working as the response is access denied. Indeed, as i'm running the cmd from subprocess i'm not able to obtain admin privilegies.
I've found a command to kill this process from cmd (without running it as admin) which is:
wmic process where name=".exe" delete
... but when i'm running it with subprocess it gives me "invalid query
The command i'm running is:
4)subprocess.Popen(['wmic', 'process', 'where', 'name="-------.exe"', 'delete'], shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
I suppose that i'm writing it wrongly. Some advices?
The solution is to put spaces around the comparison operator and send the whole condition (name = xxx
or name like xxx
) as single argument, since wmic doesn't like it to be split in parts, and internally the quotes get messed up if they are in the "middle" of a word:
subprocess.Popen(['wmic', 'process', 'where', 'name like "----.exe"', 'delete'], shell=True)