I'm trying to point monetdb/e to a regular monetdb database directory (version 11.37.7 (Jun2020)) and getting a 254 returned by monetdbe_open()
Is this currently not possible or am I doing something wrong?
Also, is there an IRC channel or equivalent for monetdb?
This doesn't work yet and I also don't expect it'll be included in the first release. But it's definitely high on our list since MonetDB is in a unique position to be able to support both an embedded and server variant.
MonetDB doesn't have an IRC-like channel. Users can ask questions here on Stack Overflow, in the MonetDB user-list, or even in the Hacker News.
In addition, you can directly add feature requests and bug report in the GitHub repository of MonetDB/e (currently only for Python). I just added this to our wish list.