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Applying superclass array extensions to arrays of subclass instances

Is there a way to use an array extension that has been applied to a superclass on arrays of subclass instances? I am attempting to do so in the following way:

Extension on superclass:

extension Array where Element == Superclass {

    func appending(_ object:Element)-> [Element] {
        var array = self
        if self.filter({$ ==}).count == 0 {
        return array

Implementation on subclass array:

var subArray = [Subclass]()
subArray = subArray.appending(someObject)

However, this gives me the following compiler error:

"Referencing instance method 'appending' on 'Array' requires the types 'Subclass' and 'Superclass' be equivalent."

Is there some way to achieve this functionality, or do I have to create separate extensions for each subclass?


  • Use : rather than == to mean "a subtype of":

    class Superclass {
    class Subclass : Superclass {
    // here!
    extension Array where Element: Superclass {
        func f() {}
    let a = [Subclass]()
    a.f() // compiles!