I have to print check boxes. which is working fine, but I cant initialize id and name of it using ngfor
correctly. It is giving me wrong value
lets say 2 arrays (or n arrays from database)
animal = 'dog', 'cat'
vehicle = 'bus', 'plane', 'train'
so If I use 2 ngFor it should be like (i, j is index)
i = 0 , j=0 > i = 0, j = 1
then next row should be
i = 1, j = 0 > i = 1, j = 1 > i=1, j = 2
Here is my code :
<div class="form-group row" *ngFor="let firstColumn of mapMenusFirstColumn; index as i">
<label class="col-4">{{firstColumn}}</label>
<div class="col-8">
<div class="custom-control custom-checkbox custom-control-inline" *ngFor="let secondColumn of this.getSecondColumn(this.mapMenu,firstColumn); index as j">
<input name= {{i}} id={{i+'_'+j}} type="checkbox" class="custom-control-input" value={{secondColumn}}>
<label for={{i+'_'+j}} class="custom-control-label">{{secondColumn}}</label>
So name should be 0 -> when id 0_0
name should be 0 -> when id 0_1
name should be 1 -> when id 1_0
name should be 1 -> when id 1_1
name should be 1 -> when id 1_2
[ I am not showing actual data because it is so huge (n rows) , just screenshot given ]
When I use id and name both i :
But When I use i as name (beacause for 3/4 check items, checkbox name should be same) and j as id :
It seems like i is in j's position . I can assure you : I tried reversing i to j , but didn't work.
I would also like to know about different implementations
After just (blindly) trying random things, this worked
Only edit is -
" "
for both id and name[ I don't know why It worked, Because, it was still a string under interpolation {{ }}
. BTW, I would really appreciate your explanation ]
<div class="form-group row" *ngFor="let firstColumn of mapMenusFirstColumn; index as i;">
<label class="col-4">{{firstColumn}}</label>
<div class="col-8">
<div class="custom-control custom-checkbox custom-control-inline"
*ngFor="let secondColumn of this.getSecondColumn(this.mapMenu,firstColumn); index as j;">
<input name="checkbox{{i}}" id="checkbox{{i+'_'+j}}" type="checkbox" class="custom-control-input"
<label for="checkbox{{i+'_'+j}}" class="custom-control-label">{{secondColumn}}</label>
in my .ts
trackByFn(i: number) {
return i;