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Change default freeradius auth and acct port in CoovaChilli

So I have two freeradius / radiusdesk installations on the server.

First one is old one and uses default freeradius ports: 1812/1813 for Auth/Acct.

The second one is the new once and using ports: 10001/10002 for Auth/Acct.

The issue now is that on my router, CoovaChili is always connection to the first one ( old one ) and communicating on the ports 1812/1813. I want to change it's ports. But it doesn't seems to be working. The OS is OpenWrt.

In my /etc/config/chilli i have added the following lines:

option radiusauthport 10001
option radiusacctport 10002

But is is not working. CoovaChilli still sends request to the old 1812/1813 ports. I want to know how to change that so it communicates with my defined port numbers, rather than the default ones.

Looking for the configurations to fix it.



  • Looking at the OpernWRT guide at, it seems that you need to put the value parameter inside double quotes.


    option radiusauthport "10001"
    option radiusacctport "10002