I am new to stackoverflow and also to Apache Camel. I try to write a understandable description of my problems.
My goal is to read hierarchical data from database (mysql) which is composed by 1 entry in a parent table and several rows in a child table and transform this data into a pojo. Sub-goal: Not to write much custom code and use blueprint xml.
Since I could not find fitting EIP for this issue, I list here my approaches so far:
1. Select data by a joined query
select * from parentTable join childTable on childTable.parentId=parentTable.id
This would mean to write a custom processor to transform result into pojo, because the select result will get for each result row every time the parent properties. Since I try to avoid writing a custom processor, I tried the following:
2. Select query returns JSON with correct structure to transform to pojo
select json_object(
'parentProperty1', parentProperty1
, 'parentProperty2', parentProperty2
, 'children', (select CAST(CONCAT('[',
'childProperty1', childProperty1
, 'childProperty2', childProperty2
from childTable c
where p.messageId=c.messageId
from parentTable p
Executing the query on mysql shell returns expected JSON:
"parentProperty1": "value1",
"parentProperty1": "value2",
"children": [
"childProperty1": "value3",
"childProperty2": "value4"
"childProperty1": "value5",
"childProperty2": "value6"
Running the query inside camel, I encountered a problem, for which I could not find an explanation nor solution yet.
The body has after the execution of the query the JSON, but it is surrounded by fragments of the initial query:
[{json_object('parentProperty1', parentProperty1 , 'parentProperty2', parentProperty2 , 'children', (select CAST(CONCAT('[',
={"parentProperty1": "value1", "parentProperty2": "value2", "children": [{"childProperty1": "value3", "childProperty2": "value4"}, {"childProperty1": "value5", "childProperty2": "value6"}]}}]
Thanks in advance
What you are actually getting is a key-value pair. Since no alias name was given to json_obect in the query, mysql generates a default column name. This is what you are seeing as query snippet in the result.
Add an alias name to the json_obect in the query as shown below:
select json_object(
'parentProperty1', parentProperty1
, 'parentProperty2', parentProperty2
, 'children', (select CAST(CONCAT('[',
'childProperty1', childProperty1
, 'childProperty2', childProperty2
from childTable c
where p.messageId=c.messageId
) as result
from parentTable p;
This would return something like this:
{result={"children": [{"childProperty1": "value3", "childProperty2": "value4"}, {"childProperty1": "value5", "childProperty2": "value6"}], "parentProperty1": "value1", "parentProperty2": "value2"}}
Hope this solves you issue