I'm trying to integrate Spotify features on my Twitch chat-bot. All features of the bot is written in Python, using Spotipy.
One of them is, adding a song to my playing Spotify queue. Following code would work for that purpose.
if re.match(r"spotify[\/:]track[\/:].+[\s?]", songreq_params[1]):
spotify.add_to_queue(songreq_params[1], sp_device_id)
But it seems to me that r"spotify[/:]track[/:].+[\s?]" regular expression doesn't work to catch Spotify track URIs and URLs such as:
I'm curious if the problem is about the snippet's syntax or the regex.
You can slightly modify the regex like this:
import re
Do you also want to capture this link (https://open.spotify.com/track/3Mh4EaJcfM4v2hpY49rjg6?si=nFRVStM1TpCWWtaJGWNLsg)as well?
Check out this regex this will probably help better. Let me know if this works. it covers both
import re