I have gone through this link but don’t know how to do same thing in node.js
I have added 'hello' word into the IPFS network and its working fine and also i have used image to upload into ipfs but i want to know how can i create folder in ipfs network and upload images into that folder
So my problem is that how to create the folder and upload picture into that folder.
Here is my code.
const addFile = async () => {
//const Added = await ipfs.add('hello');
const fsReadImgData = fs.readFileSync('image1.jpg');
var ipfsSave = await ipfs.add({
content: fsReadImgData
return fsReadImgData;
const fileHash = await addFile();
First read file into a buffer (or replace with however you're getting the image data:
const imgdata = fs.readFileSync('/yourfile.jpg');
Regular IPFS files method (immutable, you do not expect to update these):
let added = await ipfs.add({
path: 'images/yourfile.jpg',
content: imgdata
}, { wrapWithDirectory: true })
Mutable filesystem method (you expect to update and change the files):
await ipfs.files.mkdir('/images')
await ipfs.files.write(
{create: true})