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Android TV Set screensaver intent

There's no possibility to open preview of screensaver like for a live wallpaper so I'd like to provide a shortcut for users to open TV's settings and manually set screensaver.

Currently I open system settings with intent action android.settings.SETTINGS which opens root device settings.

On phones I can start android.settings.DREAM_SETTINGS (it is described in docs here) which opens corresponding settings section. But this doesn't work on TV (tried on emulator). Is it possible to open it on Android TV?


  • I've found a way to launch this activity in the source code of "Aerial Dream" screensaver:

    // Check if the daydream intent is available - some devices (e.g. NVidia Shield) do not support it
    Intent intent = new Intent(SCREENSAVER_SETTINGS);
    if (!intentAvailable(intent)) {
        // Try opening the daydream settings activity directly:
        intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MAIN).setClassName("", "");
        if (!intentAvailable(intent)) {
            // If all else fails, open the normal settings screen
            intent = new Intent(SETTINGS);
    private boolean intentAvailable(Intent intent) {
        PackageManager manager = getActivity().getPackageManager();
        List<ResolveInfo> infos = manager.queryIntentActivities(intent, 0);
        return !infos.isEmpty();