I have never used python before. I'm following a short guide on how to use an API with Python. I'm using Atom text editor plus the Hydrogen module to run said code.
I am getting KeyError: '203' when I run the following segment.
champ_dict = {}
for key in static_champ_list['data']:
row = static_champ_list['data'][key]
champ_dict[row['key']] = row['id']
for row in participants:
print(str(row['champion']) + ' ' + champ_dict[str(row['champion'])])
row['championName'] = champ_dict[str(row['champion'])]
# print dataframe
df = pd.DataFrame(participants)
the error occurs on the following line
print(str(row['champion']) + ' ' + champ_dict[str(row['champion'])])
I get that it's lookup error but I'm lost as how to resolve it.
Here is the full version of my code
#Test Script for interacting with
#Built from 'Towards Data Science' guide
#If you want to use Hydrogen, install
#the Hydrogen Package and run
# python3 -m pip install ipykernel
# python3 -m ipykernel install --user
#This might allow pandas, idk
#Get installed module for Python
import riotwatcher
#Import tools.
from riotwatcher import LolWatcher, ApiError
#Import pandas
import pandas as pd
# Global variables
# Get new API from
# https://developer.riotgames.com/
watcher = LolWatcher(api_key)
my_region = 'euw1'
#Use 'watcher' to get basic stats
me = watcher.summoner.by_name(my_region, 'RGE lnspired')
#Use 'watcher' to get ranked ranked stats
my_ranked_stats = watcher.league.by_summoner(my_region, me['id'])
# Setup retrieval of match info
my_matches = watcher.match.matchlist_by_account(my_region, me['accountId'])
# Fetch info about last match
last_match = my_matches['matches'][0]
match_detail = watcher.match.by_id(my_region, last_match['gameId'])
#Setup Data Frame to view some of this stuff
participants = []
for row in match_detail['participants']:
participants_row = {}
participants_row['champion'] = row['championId']
participants_row['spell1'] = row['spell1Id']
participants_row['spell2'] = row['spell2Id']
participants_row['win'] = row['stats']['win']
participants_row['kills'] = row['stats']['kills']
participants_row['deaths'] = row['stats']['deaths']
participants_row['assists'] = row['stats']['assists']
participants_row['totalDamageDealt'] = row['stats']['totalDamageDealt']
participants_row['goldEarned'] = row['stats']['goldEarned']
participants_row['champLevel'] = row['stats']['champLevel']
participants_row['totalMinionsKilled'] = row['stats']['totalMinionsKilled']
participants_row['item0'] = row['stats']['item0']
participants_row['item1'] = row['stats']['item1']
df = pd.DataFrame(participants)
#So now we can look at what is referred
#to as 'Static Data'
# check league's latest version
latest = watcher.data_dragon.versions_for_region(my_region)['n']['champion']
# Lets get some champions static information
static_champ_list = watcher.data_dragon.champions(latest, False, 'en_US')
# champ static list data to dict for looking up
champ_dict = {}
for key in static_champ_list['data']:
row = static_champ_list['data'][key]
champ_dict[row['key']] = row['id']
for row in participants:
print(str(row['champion']) + ' ' + champ_dict[str(row['champion'])])
row['championName'] = champ_dict[str(row['champion'])]
# print dataframe
df = pd.DataFrame(participants)
In order to retrieve a value from a standard dictionary in python with a key, it must be a valid or else a KeyError
will be raised. So your code is attempting to use the key '203'
with the dictionary champ_dict
, however '203'
is not a valid key (hence the KeyError
). To see which keys are currently present in the dict, you can call the dict.keys
method on champ_dict
. Example would be something like
>>> champ_dict = {'key1': 'val1', 'key2': 'val2', 'key3': 'val3'}
>>> champ_dict.keys()
dict_keys(['key1', 'key2', 'key3'])