I have a model that I fit using R's loess()
Is there a way to save or extract the model in some form, so I can use it in another script (via predict()
), without the original data used for the fit?
Suppose you have the following model:
df <- data.frame(x = 1:10, y = rnorm(10))
my_model <- loess(y ~ x, df)
The model is complete, and contains all the data it needs for reproducibility, which you can see using dput
#> structure(list(n = 10L, fitted = c(0.326732521143027, -0.110249341375308,
#> -0.5129070962872, -1.0245028344818, -0.515520311385236, 0.936834208165912,
#> 1.02529173682113, -0.0325363615379678, -0.925858641095554, -1.79331515361539
#> ), residuals = c(`1` = -0.249567149174745, `2` = 0.484564908411681,
#> `3` = 0.178093195928771, `4` = 0.0746138620473938, `5` = -0.424689773472765,
#> `6` = 0.252788906835992, `7` = 0.418801764499952, `8` = -0.871410368375438,
#> `9` = -0.240996764699026, `10` = 0.222241837709625), enp = 4.9507127595997,
#> s = 0.635987915064919, one.delta = 4.00725442163284, two.delta = 3.74265436940279,
#> trace.hat = 5.47172916898343, divisor = 1, robust = c(1,
#> 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1), pars = list(span = 0.75, degree = 2L,
#> normalize = TRUE, parametric = FALSE, drop.square = FALSE,
#> surface = "interpolate", cell = 0.2, family = "gaussian",
#> trace.hat = "exact", iterations = 1L), kd = list(parameter = c(d = 1L,
#> n = 10L, vc = 2L, nc = 19L, nv = 11L, liv = 1049L, lv = 849L
#> ), a = c(1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 1L,
#> 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L), xi = c(5, 3, 8, 2, 4, 7, 9,
#> 1, 0, 0, 0, 6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), vert = c(0.955, 10.045
#> ), vval = c(0.345367102568788, -0.45469139983717, -1.83201089325508,
#> -0.858718571224215, -0.515520311385236, 0.688784281802855,
#> -0.5129070962872, -0.258927828125719, -0.0325363615379678,
#> -0.715456285854514, -0.110249341375308, -0.401210278764226,
#> -1.0245028344818, 0.00604222878595367, 1.02529173682113,
#> -0.443278504696964, -0.925858641095554, -0.85553623203908,
#> 0.326732521143027, -0.454333729158981, 0.936834208165912,
#> 0.472504615586807)), call = loess(formula = y ~ x, data = df),
#> terms = y ~ x, xnames = c(x = "x"), x = structure(1:10, .Dim = c(10L,
#> 1L), .Dimnames = list(c("1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7",
#> "8", "9", "10"), "x")), y = c(`1` = 0.0771653719682824, `2` = 0.374315567036373,
#> `3` = -0.33481390035843, `4` = -0.949888972434407, `5` = -0.940210084858001,
#> `6` = 1.1896231150019, `7` = 1.44409350132108, `8` = -0.903946729913406,
#> `9` = -1.16685540579458, `10` = -1.57107331590576), weights = c(1,
#> 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)), class = "loess")
So you can safely do:
saveRDS(my_model, "my_loess.rds")
and load the model into another script with
loaded_model <- readRDS("my_loess.rds")
#> Call:
#> loess(formula = y ~ x, data = df)
#> Number of Observations: 10
#> Equivalent Number of Parameters: 4.95
#> Residual Standard Error: 0.636
Created on 2020-07-25 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)