I am trying to make a sheet where I can type a time (duration) into a cell without colons or decimals and it show up in the same cell with the colons and decimals (example: input "10342" and the cell reads "1:03.42"). The formula I have that works in another cell is:
IF(IFERROR( LEFT(D3, LEN(D3)-6))="", 0, LEFT(D3, LEN(D3)-6))&":"&
IF(IFERROR(RIGHT(LEFT(D3, LEN(D3)-4), 2))="", "00", RIGHT(LEFT(D3, LEN(D3)-4), 2))&":"&
IF(IFERROR(RIGHT(LEFT(D3, LEN(D3)-2), 2))="", "00", RIGHT(LEFT(D3, LEN(D3)-2), 2))&"."&
IF(LEN(D3)>1, RIGHT(D3, 2), "0"&D3), "[h]:mm:ss.00"), ))), "[h]:mm:ss.00"))
I have tried conditional formatting and I'm not the greatest with macros. Is there anyway that this would be possible?
You clearly need an onEdit function. You have to open the script editor within your spreadsheet file and copy paste the code snippet I provide here. With the following code, every time you edit a cell in column A of "Sheet1" you get back the desired format of your input to the exact same cell. If the value you enter is: 10342 it will become: 1:03.42 . If the value you enter is 130342 you get back 13:03.42 . If you want to edit cells only after row 1 (in case you have a header) you can add in the if condition statement the condition : row >1.
function onEdit(e) {
var row = e.range.getRow();
var col = e.range.getColumn();
if (col === 1 && e.source.getActiveSheet().getName() === "Sheet1"){
var valu = e.source.getActiveSheet().getRange(row,1).getValue().toString()
if (valu.length == 5){
var result = valu.slice(0,1)+":"+valu.slice(1,3)+"."+valu.slice(-2);
else if ( valu.length==6) {
var result = valu.slice(0,2)+":"+valu.slice(2,4)+"."+valu.slice(-2);
Don't forget to modify the name of the sheet (in my case "Sheet1") as well as the column you want to work with. As you can see my solution uses col===1
, e.source.getActiveSheet().getRange(row,1).setValue(result)
and var valu = e.source.getActiveSheet().getRange(row,1).getValue().toString()
. Number 1 corresponds to column A. If you want to work with column D, for example, you need to replace 1 with 4 for all these formulas. Let me know in the comments if you have any questions.