I have bash script which runs using a cron
job every minute. I would like to save the script's state for reuse in the next run.
What would be the best way to save the state (in this case a variable which is assigned a number); so in the next run, the number can be compared with the value from previous runs.
Example of saving and reloading variable value from file
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# The file holding persistent variable value
# Declare our variable as holding an integer
declare -i persistent_counter
# If the persistence file exists, read the variable value from it
if [ -f "$statefile" ]; then
read -r persistent_counter <"$statefile"
# Update counter
persistent_counter="$((persistent_counter + 1))"
# Save value to file
printf '%d\n' "$persistent_counter" >"$statefile"
Another way with sourcing:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# The file holding persistent variable value
# Source the statefile
. "$statefile" 2>/dev/null || :
# Declare our variable as holding an integer
declare -i persistent_counter
# Assign default value if unset
: ${persistent_counter:=0}
# Update counter
persistent_counter="$((persistent_counter + 1))"
# Persist variable to file
declare -p persistent_counter >"$statefile"
Persisting multiple variables (an integer, a string and an array):
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# The file holding persistent variable value
# Initialize variables even if they are later state restored
save_state () {
typeset -p "$@" >"$statefile"
# Source the statefile to restore state
. "$statefile" 2>/dev/null || :
# Set save_state call on script exit to automatically persist state
trap 'save_state persistent_counter persistent_last_date persistent_array' EXIT
# Display restored variables
printf 'Last time script ran was: %s\n' "$persistent_last_date"
printf 'Counter was: %d\n' "$persistent_counter"
printf 'Array contained %d elements:\n' "${#persistent_array[@]}"
printf '%s\n' "${persistent_array[@]}"
# Update counter
persistent_counter="$((persistent_counter + 1))"
# Update Array
if ! [ "$persistent_last_date" = 'never' ]; then
# Update last run time
persistent_last_date="$(date -R)"
# Now that the script exit, it will automatically trap call save_state