I am trying to procedurally generate some maps for a game I am working on, and I am trying to use the perlin noise function from the noise module.
By following some tutorials on the internet, I found out that I had to use it this way:
import random
import noise
from noise import pnoise2
factor = 15 #it doesn't need to be 15, it can be anything different from greater than 1 or lower than -1, otherwise it will return 0.0
seed=random.randint(0, 100)
print(pnoise2(x/factor, y/factor, octaves=oct, base=seed))
I can pass it the values x
and y
but if the factor meets the conditions in the comment, the program will throw a fatal error, segfault, when calling the pnoise2 function. What am I doing wrong?
I am also using pygame for the game, and the exact error I get is the following:
Fatal Python error: (pygame parachute) Segmentation Fault
Python runtime state: initialized
Current thread 0x00007fe3247f2740 (most recent call first):
File "scripts/world_manager.py", line 78 in generate
File "main.py", line 153 in reload_chunks
File "main.py", line 257 in update
File "main.py", line 207 in run
File "main.py", line 406 in <module>
Here is the generate()
function in world_manager.py:
# Generate a chunk at given coordinates using pnoise2 and adding it to the chunk list
def generate(self, chunkx, chunky):
# print("Generating chunk at", chunkx, chunky)
GRASS = "grass"
MOUNTAIN = "mountain"
EMPTY = "void"
floor_void_diff = 0.3
mountain = floor_void_diff + 0.2
factor = 3
floor = {}
items = {}
chunk = (chunkx, chunky)
if chunk not in self.chunks:
# print("Generating chunk at {}".format(chunk))
for y in range(chunky * CHUNKSIZE, chunky * CHUNKSIZE + CHUNKSIZE):
for x in range(chunkx * CHUNKSIZE, chunkx * CHUNKSIZE + CHUNKSIZE):
i = pnoise2(x/factor, y/factor, base=int(self.seed))
if i >= floor_void_diff:
if i > mountain:
floor.update({(x, y): MOUNTAIN})
floor.update({(x, y): GRASS})
spawner = random.randint(-1, ITEM_SPAWN_RATIO)
random_item = random.randint(0, len(ITEM_LIST)-1)
if spawner == 0:
items.update({(x, y): ITEM_LIST[random_item]})
elif i < floor_void_diff:
floor.update({(x, y): EMPTY})
floor.update({(x, y): EMPTY})
self.chunks.update({chunk: {"floor": floor, "items": items}})
self.unsaved += 1
CHUNKSIZE is defined in a settings.py file, and right now CHUNKSIZE=4
I have not found a way to solve this problem, but an alternative. I turns out that the way I was using the noise module breaks it some how, so I started looking for perlin noise functions and I found a pretty good one at https://rosettacode.org/wiki/Perlin_noise#Python