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Does the Git client for Windows 10 install an SSH client automatically?

The question is already in the title.

Following software is meant with Git client:

I though it comes with:

But that is now already on Windows 10 itself.

So now I got the Git Bash installed (based on mingw-w64) and can use ssh-commands, where does it come from?

Thanks in advance.


  • Yes, Git for Windows installs its own SSH client. It ships a version of OpenSSH with the package. If you're seeing /usr/bin/ssh when you run command -v ssh, then you're using the version from Git for Windows.

    For many things, it's also possible to use the Windows version, but that version is known to be broken in some ways. For example, it does not work with Git LFS, since it does not handle having /dev/null for some of its streams, whereas the Git for Windows and Unix versions support that just fine. So unless you're certain that you need to use the Windows version for some reason, you should prefer the Git for Windows version.