Search code examples

Solving the first exercise on "Pandoc Filters" page

The first question on asks to convert all text to uppercase except if it is part of a URL or a link title. So, I read the discussion about "Execution Order" in lua filters at and came up with

text = require 'text'

links = {}

function Link(el)
  links[] = el.content
  return el

function Str(el)
  el.text = text.upper(el.text)
  return el

function Inlines(elems)
  for i=1,#elems,1 do
    if elems[i].tag == 'Link' then
      elems[i].content = '<====' .. links[elems[i].target] .. '====>' -- just so that I can see it in the document.
      -- elems[i].content = pandoc.Str 'hello'
  return elems

--[[ -- Explicitly force order of filters -- from "Execution Order" list...
return {
  { Link = Link,
    Str = Str,
    Inlines = Inlines

thinking that this will solve my problem. But somehow I cannot get this to work. I have also tried arranging the table explicitly by forcing the order (at the end of the script...commented) of called filters and yet it doesn't seem to work. What am I doing wrong?


  • The exercise asks:

    Put all the regular text in a markdown document in ALL CAPS (without touching text in URLs or link titles).

    This can be done the way you describe above:

    local text = require 'text'
    function Str (s)
      s.text = text.upper(s.text)
      return s

    This leaves URLs and link titles alone.

    Leaving the link text alone is a bit more difficult. Pandoc Lua filters traverse the document tree in depth-first postorder, so a Link node will be handled only after its content has been handled. We can verify and visualize this with a simple filter like

    function Inline (i)
      print(i.tag, pandoc.utils.stringify(i))

    Running the above on an input like Hello, [Free Encyclopedia]( will produce

    Str     Hello,
    Str     Free
    Str     Encyclopedia
    Link    Free Encyclopedia

    Using Inlines instead of Inline is no different: the nested elements are processed before we even know which element they belong to. This effectively means we cannot (easily) prevent conversions from affecting a specific subtree.

    That's unfortunate (and, as the author of the Lua filter system, something I'd like to change in the future). However, not all is lost. We can work around this with a simple trick: save, then restore the original link contents:

    local text = require 'text'
    local links = pandoc.List()
    function to_allcaps (s)
      s.text = text.upper(s.text)
      return s
    function save_link (l)
    function restore_link (l)
      return links:remove(1)
    return {
      {Link = save_link},
      {Str = to_allcaps},
      {Link = restore_link},

    Here, we traverse the document three times, as indicated by the three separate filters in the returned filter list. First, we collect all links into a list; then we make everythin ALL CAPS; finally we restore the original links, thus undoing all uppercase modifications in their link captions.

    Compact version:

    local text = require 'text'
    local links = pandoc.List{}
    return {
      {Link = function (l) links:insert(l) end},
      {Str = function (s) return pandoc.Str(text.upper(s.text)) end},
      {Link = function (_) return links:remove(1) end},