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git revert ended up giving error ! [remote rejected] error: failed to push some refs to '[email protected]:reponame/project

I accidently pushed .idea/workspace.xml. and made more push after that.

My code is merged on development branch. My team member asked me to revert .idea/workspace.xml changes.

So I followed:

git revert <commit sha>

git push origin <my branch>

as commit reverted had some changes which i want to persist, therefore copied my changes from development and

git add .

git commit -m'added back changes in filepath'

git push origin mybranch

! [remote rejected]    mybranch -> mybranch (pre-receive hook declined) error: failed to push some refs to '[email protected]:reponame/projectname.git'

enter image description here

I tried to find solution on internet but could not figureout. Any help would be appreciated.

I also tried git push with -force flag. but that also did not work.


  • The message in your text image says:

     ! [remote rejected]   mybranch -> mybranch  (pre-receive hook declined)
    error: failed to push some refs to '[email protected]:reponame/projectname.git'

    The first line contains the phrase pre-receive hook declined. This means that something that is not part of Git itself is doing some checking on the commits you've asked the Git over at Bitbucket to accept. That thing-that-did-the-checking does not like your commits, for some reason.

    Ideally, any pre-receive hook that rejects commits should tell you why it is rejecting the commits. If it did, you should include that in your question. Any messages from such a hook would appear above the ! [remote rejected] line, prefixed with the word remote: for each line.

    Per your own comment:

    I have made last commit without adding JIRA ID which failed a hook

    it was a pre-receive check to make sure that each commit contains a JIRA ID.

    You will need to replace the bad commit(s) with new-and-improved commit(s) that meet the requirements of your pre-receive hook.