I'm attempting to do the following:
The "modification" takes the Stream data, which includes a Firestore UID, gets the data from Firestore with that UID, and then the StreamBuilder is populated with that data.
So the flow is: New document added -> Stream gets document -> Function gets UID from that document -> Function uses that UID to get more data from Firestore -> Function returns to populate StreamBuilder with that new data.
My current set-up is as follows -- which works, but the FutureBuilder is obviously making the Firestore call each time the widget is rebuilt, and nobody wants that.
Stream<QuerySnapshot> upperStream;
void initState() {
upperStream = aStream();
Stream<QuerySnapshot> aStream() {
return Firestore.instance
.document(/*ownUID (not related to stream)*/)
Future<List> processStream(List streamData) async {
List futureData = List();
for (var doc in streamData) {
Map<String, dynamic> dataToReturn = Map<String, dynamic>();
DocumentSnapshot userDoc = await Firestore.instance
dataToReturn['i'] = userDoc['i'];
return futureData;
//The actual widget
child: StreamBuilder(
stream: upperStream,
builder: (context, snapshot) {
// Error/null handling
return FutureBuilder(
future: processStream(snapshot.data.documents),
builder: (context, futureSnap) {
// Error/null handling
return ListView.builder(
shrinkWrap: true,
itemCount: futureSnap.data.length,
scrollDirection: Axis.vertical,
itemBuilder: (context, index) {
//Continuing with populating
What's the best way to handle a flow like this? Creating a method where the data from the Firestore stream is modified and then returned without needing ListView.builder at all?
Edit: I tried creating my own stream like this:
Stream<Map<String, dynamic>> aStream2() async* {
QuerySnapshot snap = await Firestore.instance
.document(/*OWN UID*/)
for (var doc in snap.documents) {
Map<String, dynamic> data = Map<String, dynamic>();
DocumentSnapshot userDoc = await Firestore.instance
data['i'] = userDoc['i'];
yield data;
However, the Stream is not triggered/updated when a new Document is added to the SecondLevel collection.
Alright I think I found the path to the solution. I get the data from the stream, modify it, and then yield it to the StreamBuilder within one method and no longer need the FutureBuilder. The key to this, as Christopher Moore mentioned in the comment, is await for
. The stream method looks like this:
Stream<List> aStream() async* {
List dataToReturn = List();
Stream<QuerySnapshot> stream = Firestore.instance
.document(OWN UID)
await for (QuerySnapshot q in stream){
for (var doc in q.documents) {
Map<String, dynamic> dataMap= Map<String, dynamic>();
DocumentSnapshot userDoc = await Firestore.instance
.document(doc['other user data var'])
dataMap['i'] = userDoc['i'];
yield dataToReturn;
And then the StreamBuilder is populated with the modified data as I desired.