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Matching similar strings in Lua

I'm using

raw:gsub("(%a-):\n".."([%wö  /,.':&%-%%()\n\t]*)",function(a,b) t[a]=b end)

to split a string called raw by a section header "Something:\n", which is followed by data including the string "Event: " (note the lack of a newline) and store the data in t["Something"].

How can I do this, or should I try to find a workaround?


  • for a, b in raw:gsub("%f[^\n%z]([^\n]+):\n", "\0%1\0"):gmatch"%z(%Z+)%z(%Z*)" do

    The code finds all "headers" (followed by a colon and a newline) and surrounds them with zero-bytes and than traverses all occurrences with gmatch