Search code examples

Add ionic 4 icon to ng select dropdown menu

I have an ngx select dropdown and would like the place holder text to include a magnifying icon from ionic 4 framework. Is this possible? Currently, the icon is on the same line but outside of the drop down. I am using angular 8.

<form [formGroup]="staffForm">
      <ion-icon name="search"></ion-icon>
      <ngx-select (selectionChanges)="selectionChanged($event)" (select)="goToStaff(selected)" [items]="sortedStaff"
        formControlName="staffId" optionValueField="id" optionTextField="customText"
        placeholder="Search Staff Members Here">


  • I think this is not possible directly. You can use css to achieve this.

    Try below css.

    :host ::ng-deep .ngx-select__placeholder span::before {
      content: url( !important;
      padding: 5px;
    :host ::ng-deep input.ngx-select__search {
      background-image: url("");
      background-repeat: no-repeat;
    :host ::ng-deep input.ngx-select__search:not(:placeholder-shown) {
      background-image: none;


         <ngx-select [items]="['Item 1', 'Item 2']" [(ngModel)]="itemId" placeholder="    Select"></ngx-select>

    You can check below stackblitz for more detail.