How can I reduce the spacing between Sections on a form for the following view?
var body: some View {
Form {
Section {
TextField("Name", text: $, onEditingChanged: { changed in
if !isNewPatient {
isSaveDisabled = false
}, onCommit: {
if !isNewPatient {
isSaveDisabled = false
TextField("Surname", text: $patient.surname)
TextField("ID Number", text: $
.foregroundColor(isNewPatient ? .black : .gray)
Section {
TextField("Street Number and Name", text: $patient.street)
TextField("Suburb", text: $patient.suburb)
TextField("Area Code", text: $patient.postCode)
}.isHidden(isDependant, remove: true)
Section {
Picker("Medical Aid", selection: $patient.medicalAidName) {
ForEach(medicalAids, id: \.self) {
TextField("Medical Aid Number", text: $patient.medicalAidNo)
}.isHidden(isDependant, remove: true)
Section {
Button("Save") {
if isNewPatient {
if patient.create(moc: moc, isDependant: isDependant, mainID: self.mainID) {
} else {
if patient.update(moc: moc) {
NavigationLink("Dependants", destination:
DependantListView(filter: mainID).environment(\.managedObjectContext, moc), isActive: $isDependantsActive
).disabled(isNewPatient).isHidden(isDependant, remove: true)
.onReceive(patient.allRequiredValidation) { validation in
if isNewPatient {
self.isSaveDisabled = !validation.isSuccess
.navigationBarTitle(title, displayMode: .inline)
This is how the form looks:
I've had a look at the following answers but they're not acceptable: Spacing between sections in a form
Try to add the following in the View containing Form
init() {
UITableView.appearance().sectionHeaderHeight = .zero