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Basic BPMN question: Activiti with Spring boot

So Yesterday I started learning Activiti with Spring Boot. There are many tutorials on the internet in which

  • Create a function that saves users to DB.
  • Create a BPMN file of the task.
  • Create a controller to Start, monitor, and End Tasks.

Suppose there is only one task in my workflow i.e. to send email to a user. enter image description here

So, The problem is, I am not able to understand that Where Do I need to write the code to Send Email

Basically, once I started a task, which code it will execute?

I've searched entire internet but no able to find any solution. I am completely a beginner in this.

Any help will be appreciated.


  • 1. Use below content for your bpmn.xml file as per requirement,
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <process id="oneTaskProcess" name="The Email task">
            <startEvent id="theStart" />
            <sequenceFlow id="flow1" sourceRef="theStart" targetRef="emailTask" />
            <serviceTask id="emailTask"
                         name="Email task service invocation"
            <sequenceFlow id="flow2" sourceRef="emailTask" targetRef="theEnd" />
            <endEvent id="theEnd" />
    2.Create a service task using java as below,
    package com.mycompany.SendEmail;
    public class SendEmail implements ActivityBehavior {
        public void execute(ActivityExecution execution) throws Exception {
            PvmTransition transition = null;
            // do your business logic.
                transition = execution.getActivity().findOutgoingTransition("theEnd");
            }catch (Exception e){
                //do nothing