I'm new to Python and Kivy, and I need to display a RecycleGridLayout with 2 cols where the first column gives me the position of the second column, for now it shows the list that I created in a single column
here's my .py file
class Introduccion(Screen):
numbers = ObjectProperty()
number_list = ObjectProperty([])
def Add_ToList(self):
self.number_list.data.append({'text': str(self.numbers.text)})
and my .kv file
pos_hint:{'center_y': 0.3, 'center_x':0.4}
size_hint: None, None
size: 100, 250
pos: 200, 100
id: number_list_view
viewclass: 'Label'
cols: 1
default_size: None, dp(26)
default_size_hint: 1, None
size_hint_y: None
height: self.minimum_height
orientation: 'vertical'
my other question is how do I add a button to clear the list, i tried with a button with the function self.number_list.data.clear()
but only delete it with a row, if you have more than one, an error appears
You can use your former arrangement with RecycleBoxLayout
to display a single column that looks like two columns. For example, a custom viewclass
class MyViewClass(BoxLayout):
position = StringProperty('')
text = StringProperty('')
with a kv
rule like:
size_hint_y: None
height: self.minimum_height
text: root.position
size_hint_y: None
height: self.texture_size[1]
text: root.text
size_hint_y: None
height: self.texture_size[1]
will display two adjacent Labels
(like two columns).
Then, in your RecycleBoxLayout
, set the viewclass
id: number_list_view
viewclass: 'MyViewClass'
Then, when you add data
to the RecycleView
, each dictionary in the data
list would have two entries. For example:
self.number_list.data.append({'position': 'this is position', 'text': text})
As for clearing the entire RecycleView
, you can just reset the entire data
list, something like this:
on_press: root.number_list.data = []