I have a table with a specific set of characters containing the value, it's decimal and hexadecimal equivalents.
| a| 97| 0061|
| b| 98| 0062|
| c| 99| 0063|
| d| 100| 0064|
How can I select a column ignoring any character that is not in this table?
Edit 1: Let's say this table is called "tb_abcd" and a wanna select the column "user_name" from the table "tb_users".
Table content:
| Samuel |
| Paul |
| Chris |
Expected output (based on the character set from "tb_abcd"):
| A |
| A |
| C |
I know this is a silly example, but the original table has a set of 251 characters.
So long as none of your 251 characters interfere with regex, this silly solution should work.
with keeps as (
select string_agg(value, '') as letters
from tb_abcd
select *,
upper(regexp_replace(u.user_name, '[^'||k.letters||']', '', 'gi'))
from tb_users u
cross join keeps k;
user_name | letters | upper
Samuel | abcd | A
Paul | abcd | A
Chris | abcd | C
(3 rows)