I make a WFS request with the python library "request". One of the parameters is a bounding box whose coordinates are given with 4 variables. The problem is that the final url has some additional characters around the bbox coordinates resulting in a wrong request. Any idea on how these characters appear and how to get rid of them?
Example coordinates:
(136226.446, 456092.217, 136726.446, 456592.217)
My code:
coords= (bbx_min_x, bbx_min_y, bbx_max_x, bbx_max_y)
url = 'https://geodata.nationaalgeoregister.nl/bag/wfs/v1_1?'
params = {'bbox' : '{}'.format(coords), 'service' : 'WFS' , 'typeName' : 'bag:pand' , 'version' : '2.0.0' , 'startIndex' : 0, 'request' : 'GetFeature', 'outputFormat' : 'json'}
exp = Request('GET', url, params=params).prepare().url
The resulted url (from print(exp)
I found the solution. To understand the problem I needed to find out the URL encoding (see here). In the code that I had, the bbox coordinates were parsed as a tuple.
In url encoding though the open parenthesis is encoded with the character %28 changing the lower X coordinate of my bounding box from 136226.446
to 28136226.446
. This resulted in a wrong bounding box.
To fix this I give each coordinate separately:
'bbox' : "{0},{1},{2},{3}".format(bbx_min_x,bbx_min_y, bbx_max_x,bbx_max_y)