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How do I generate a variable sized list from a given list using Hypothesis?

For property-based testing, given a fixed list of values, I need to generate a variable-sized list where order is important and duplicates are allowed. For example, if my fixed list is

texts = ['t1', 't2', 't3', 't4']

I would like to generate different variations, e.g.

['t4', 't1'] # Subset and different order
['t3', 't1', 't2'] # Different order
['t4', 't4', 't4', 't1'] # Repetition of t4
['t1', 't2', 't1'] # Repetition but at different location
['t1', 't2']
['t2', 't1'] # different order from the one above and considered different.

What I have managed to use currently is the permutations strategy

from hypothesis import given, strategies as st

def test_x(some_text):

But that does not give me variable size, repetitions

Other requirements:

  • How can I specify a maximum variable list of 20?


  • You are looking for a combination of the lists and the sampled_from strategies:

    from hypothesis import strategies as st
    texts = ['t1', 't2', 't3', 't4']
    lists_from_texts = st.lists(st.sampled_from(texts), max_size=20)
    def test_x(some_text):

    or if you want to be able to change the source list for different tests:

    from typing import List
    def lists_from_texts(source: List[str]) -> st.SearchStrategy[List[str]]:
        return st.lists(st.sampled_from(source), max_size=20)
    def test_x(some_text):