I am trying to create a simple master/detail app in Xcode.
I want that the detail view is
struct EditingView: View
var body: some View {
var mainVertical: VStack = VStack() //error here
var previewArea: HStack = HStack()
var editorButton: Button = Button()
//the same with return editorButton
// I have to add other controls, like a WKWebView
return previewArea
//this is a simple version, layout will have other stacks with controls inside
return mainVertical
but I get
Generic parameter 'Content' could not be inferred
The IDE offers me to fix but if I do that, it writes a generic type I have to fill but then other errors come, f.i. if I put AnyView o TupleView.
I would like that it infers everything, what is wrong that it cannot understand?
In SwiftUI you usually don't need to reference your controls. You can apply modifiers to them directly in the view.
This is the preferred way:
struct ContentView: View {
var body: some View {
VStack {
HStack {
Button("Click me") {
// some action
.background(Color.red) // modify your `VStack`
Alternatively if needed you can extract controls as separate variables:
struct ContentView: View {
var body: some View {
let hstack = HStack {
return VStack {
var button: some View {
Button("Click me") {
// some action
But in the end I definitely recommend you read Apple SwiftUI tutorials