The user is asked to fill in a field with a tag containing no hashtags and no spaces. But some will no doubt do it anyway. How do I strip the hashtags and spaces before sending it off to the database? Here's the code I used to try and simply remove the hashtag. But although it prints the correct removal in the console in realtime as I type into the field, I get the following error when I try to post it off to the server:
[ERROR:flutter/lib/ui/] Unhandled Exception: Invalid argument(s) (input): Must not be null
So here's the code;
child: TextField(
keyboardType: TextInputType.text,
autocorrect: false,
onChanged: (tag1text){
nohash1 = tag1text.replaceAll('#', '');
print("This is nohash1 " + nohash1);
setState(() {
this.tag1 = nohash1;
You can try .replaceAll(RegExp('[# ]'),'')
. Your original code only removed matching #
. Using RegExp('[# ]')
we can specify the regex
pattern to use for removal.
void main() {
String inputText = '#big dog sled';
print(inputText.replaceAll(RegExp('[# ]'),''));
Output :