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Variadic template function rvalue parameters silently moved C++ to the function

The following code compiles and prints: move move. I would prefer that it didn't compile since merge takes rvalue references and I don't move t1 and t2 to it.

class A {
    A() = default;
    A(const A& other) { std::cout << "copy "; };
    A(A&& other) { std::cout << "move "; };

template <typename... TupleType>
auto merge(TupleType&&... tuples) {
    return std::tuple_cat(std::move(tuples)...);
int main() {
    std::tuple<int> t1{1};
    std::tuple<A> t2{A()};
    auto t3 = merge(t1, t2);

I'm not sure what happens here and why. Furthermore, I think this behavior is dangerous: I have no move in the call to merge, but t1 and t2 are moved from.

Why is this allowed and how can I make merge take only rvalue references?


  • For why is this possible, See Reference_collapsing.

    Now If you want to prevent your function from accepting lvalues, you can use the following code

    #include <tuple>
    #include <iostream>
    class A {
        A()  = default;
        A(const A& other) { std::cout << "\ncopy "; }
        A(A&& other)noexcept { std::cout << "\nmove "; }
    template <typename... TupleType>
    auto merge(TupleType&... tuples) = delete;
    template <typename... TupleType>
    auto merge(TupleType&&... tuples) {
        return std::tuple_cat(std::forward<TupleType>(tuples)...);
    int main() {
        std::tuple<int> t1{1};
        std::tuple<A> t2{A()};
        // auto t3 = merge(t1, t2);//won't compile
        //compiles and gives the desired behavior move move
        auto t4 = merge(std::make_tuple(1), std::make_tuple(A{}));
