In my chip vendors recipe they define
SRC_URI += "file://defconfig"
In my own layer, I want to override their defconfig and use my own. I have a bbappend file in my recipe-kernel layer that adds my own defconfig file. My bbappend file:
SECTION = "kernel"
SUMMARY = "Kernel config and device tree customization"
FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend := "${THISDIR}/files:"
SRC_URI += "file://defconfig"
SRC_URI += "file://tree_changes.diff"
The tree_changes.diff file is being applied so my bbappend file is being used at least for that.
The problem is that the vendor defconfig is always used. I dont really want to touch the vendors recipes, is there any better way of overriding the defconfig?
The chip vendor (Atmel/Microchip) bbfile is here:
Could it be that your defconfig file is not located under ${THISDIR}/files/<machine> in your layer but rather under ${THISDIR}/files ?
${THISDIR}/files/<distro> or ${THISDIR}/files/<machine> have a higher priority than just ${THISDIR}/files.
The different defconfig files are located in
in vendor meta-layer, so they would still be used.
So you would need to move your defconfig file to ${THISDIR}/files/<your_machine> in your custom layer. Note that FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend = "${THISDIR}/files:" remains the same in the recipe. Yocto takes care of extending the path.