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How to use a different drawable res folder (for eg. drawable-theme1) when the appTheme is selected as "theme1" from styles.xml? Is this possible?

Currently I am having four themes in my styles.xml file. (theme1, theme2, theme3, theme4).

I am having a test_image.xml in both drawable & drawable-theme1 folders.

What I need is, for theme1 alone, I need resources from drawable-theme1, and for other themes (theme2, theme3, theme4), I need resources from normal drawable folder.

Finally, while setting the image view programmatically, I will be calling imageView.setResource(R.drawable.test_image). The resource file must be retrieved based on my selected theme.

Whether this is possible?

I could not get any questions or similar relevant to this. If anyone has provided a solution already, please help me finding that. Thanks


  • You can't use <themeName> as a qualifier.
    It means that you can't use a drawable-themeName folder.

    However you can define a custom attribute in the attrs.xml file:

        <attr name="myDrawable" format="reference" />

    Then in styles.xml in the app theme you can define it:

    <style name="AppTheme1" parent="Theme.MaterialComponents.DayNight">
        <!-- .....   -->
        <item name="myDrawable">@drawable/ic_add_24px</item>

    Finally in a layout you can use something like:


    or programmatically:

        MaterialButton button = findViewById(;
        TypedValue typedValue = new TypedValue();
        getTheme().resolveAttribute(R.attr.myDrawable, typedValue, true);