I am using Win10 latest. After installing AWS-SAM-CLI and testing the installation with:
sam --version
I get the message
bash: sam: command not found
however, when I use Powershell, cmd or ConEmu they can all resolve "sam".
the path is "e/Program Files/Amazon/AWSSAMCLI/bin" but other commands like "yarn" work fine which is also installed at "e/Program Files/..."
Any ideas? Thanks
sam.cmd --version
The windows version of the SAM CLI does not have a direct executable binary. It is instead a .cmd script that echos your options to the python executable.
@echo off
"%~dp0/../runtime/python.exe" -m samcli %*
I haven't figured out how to make it work with
sam --version
My assumption is that powershell and command prompt see .cmd as an executable not requiring an extension where git bash does not.