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FPDF How to attach a png with a dynamic path/name

Hello my goal is create a pdf with a png file (a qr code) generated dynamically.

I use FPDF library like below:


class PDF extends FPDF

    private $pathQR;

    function setPathQR($pathQR){
        $this->pathQR = $pathQR;

// Page header

function Header()


    // Logo


    // Arial bold 15


    // Move to the right


    // Title


    // Line break




    $this->Cell(80,10,'Other row..',0,0,'R');








    $this->Cell(80,10,'V T M',1,0,'C');







// Instanciation of inherited class

$pdf = new PDF();







I create a function within PDF class

function setPathQR($pathQR){
        $this->pathQR = $pathQR;

I call that function for setting value to pathQR ($e_mail)


but i get error Notice: Undefined variable: pathQR in C:\xampp\htdocs....

on this row


Why not recognize $pathQR? what's wrong? Thank you


  • You can pass the $e_mail variable into your class by using a setter method. After you've created an instance of fPDF add something along the lines of:

    class PDF extends FPDF {
        public $email;
        public function setemail($input) {$this->email = $input;}

    When you want to set it use:


    In your header method reference the email address using:

    $this->Image('qrcode/'. $this->email .'.png',10,10,-300);