I have two forms in one view, with one ViewModel, with two submission buttons included for everyone, with two independent actions for everyone.
the problem
when I submit either one of them this error appears
An unhandled exception occurred while processing the request.
AmbiguousMatchException: The request matched multiple endpoints.
Matches:DAS.Controllers.DocumentsController.CreateIn (DAS)
DAS.Controllers.DocumentsController.CreateEx (DAS)
The view
// one ViewModel
@model VMCreateDoc
// First form to submit "CreateIn" action
<form asp-controller="Documents" asp-action="CreateIn" enctype="multipart/form-data">
// bla bla bla
<input type="submit" class="btn btn-success" value="Save In">
// Second form to submit "CreateEx" action
<form asp-controller="Documents" asp-action="CreateEx" enctype="multipart/form-data">
// bla bla bla
<input type="submit" class="btn btn-success" value="Save Ex">
The actions
// DocumentInternal Included in the same ViewModel VMCreateDoc
public IActionResult CreateIn(DocumentInternal documentIn, List<IFormFile> files)
// bla bla bla
return View();
// DocumentExternal Included in the same ViewModel VMCreateDoc
public IActionResult CreateEx(DocumentExternal documentEx, List<IFormFile> files)
// bla bla bla
return View();
The view model
public class VMCreateDoc
public DocumentExternal DocEx { get; set; }
public DocumentInternal DocIn { get; set; }
Thanks for all guys who try to help me. and big thanks for Panagiotis Kanavos.
the problem was with the annotation above actions.
all I did is to change it and the problem got solved.
like this
// DocumentInternal Included in the same ViewModel VMCreateDoc
public IActionResult CreateIn(DocumentInternal documentIn, List<IFormFile> files)
// bla bla bla
return View();
// DocumentExternal Included in the same ViewModel VMCreateDoc
public IActionResult CreateEx(DocumentExternal documentEx, List<IFormFile> files)
// bla bla bla
return View();