I would like to add the number of seconds my program is up to my logging output.
I've found relativeCreated
here but it will give me the milliseconds, e.g. this:
logging.basicConfig(format='{relativeCreated:8.0f}ms {levelname:s} {message:s}', style="{")
Results in
4081ms INFO my message
6012ms INFO another message
But as I expect the running times to be in the hours, I would prefer.
4s INFO my message
6s INFO another message
I tried
logging.basicConfig(format='{relativeCreated / 1000:4.0f}s {levelname:s} {message:s}', style="{")
but this results in
KeyError: 'relativeCreated / 1000'
You can subclass logging.Formatter to modify relativeCreated
import logging
import time
class RelativeSeconds(logging.Formatter):
def format(self, record):
record.relativeCreated = record.relativeCreated // 1000
return super().format(record)
formatter = RelativeSeconds("%(relativeCreated)ds %(levelname)s %(message)s")
logging.error("Test 1")
logging.error("Test 2")
0s ERROR Test 1
2s ERROR Test 2