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Subplots except Value Error: Invalid syntax

I know that there are some answers for this question, but unfortunately I couldn't make any of them work. I have a loop that plots certain time intervals as subplots, but some time intervals due the cleaning of the data get deleted. Now I would like to skip that time interval and just continue normally.

I tried to do that with:

    except ValueError:

But I get invalid syntax error.

Original code:

dimenzion = math.ceil(np.sqrt(len(lista_start)))

fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=dimenzion,ncols=dimenzion, figsize=(25, 21), sharex=False)
sns.despine(left= True)
fig.suptitle('Clean data', y =1.01, fontsize = 21)

date = 0
i = 0
j = 0
while date <= len(lista_end)-1:
   df_date = df_clean[(df_clean['Time'] > pd.Timestamp(lista_start.loc[date][0])) & 
                      (df_clean['Time'] < pd.Timestamp(lista_end.loc[date][0]))]
   df_date = df_date.reset_index(drop = True)
   start = datetime.datetime.strftime(lista_start.loc[date][0], '%d.%m.%y')
   end = datetime.datetime.strftime(lista_end.loc[date][0], '%d.%m.%y')
   df_date.plot('Time', 'Mids Ply Fines B', figsize = (25,7), ax = axes[i,j], subplots = True)
   axes[i,j].set_title('{} - {}'.format(start, end))
   j = j+1
   date = date + 1
   if j > dimenzion - 1:
       j = 0
       i = i+1  
   except ValueError:
   plt.setp(axes, yticks=[])


  • In Python, the except needs a starting try - you need to tell it which code 'section' might generate the error you want to capture :

    I don't know what line is generating the ValueError - but this should be sufficient:

       try : 
          df_date = df_clean[(df_clean['Time'] > pd.Timestamp(lista_start.loc[date][0])) & 
                      (df_clean['Time'] < pd.Timestamp(lista_end.loc[date][0]))]
         df_date = df_date.reset_index(drop = True)
         start = datetime.datetime.strftime(lista_start.loc[date][0], '%d.%m.%y')
         end = datetime.datetime.strftime(lista_end.loc[date][0], '%d.%m.%y')
         df_date.plot('Time', 'Mids Ply Fines B', figsize = (25,7), ax = axes[i,j], subplots = True)
         axes[i,j].set_title('{} - {}'.format(start, end))
         j = j+1
         date = date + 1
         if j > dimenzion - 1:
             j = 0
         i = i+1  
       except ValueError:

    Notice who the whole code 'section' between the try and the except are indented - that makes it clear that any ValueError exception generated anywhere in that section will result in the continue being created.