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xtable + addcontentsline

I'd like to add an additional argument to the xtable Function. Is there an easy way to do this?

table_raw <- matrix(4, nrow=2, ncol=2)
table1 <- xtable(table_raw, digits=0, caption="Nice table")

& 1 & 2 \\ 
1 & 4 & 4 \\ 
2 & 4 & 4 \\ 
\caption{Nice table} 

Now I'd like to add the argument \addcontentsline{toc}{table}{Title of Table} that the table looks like this:

& 1 & 2 \\ 
1 & 4 & 4 \\ 
2 & 4 & 4 \\ 
\caption{Nice table} 
\addcontentsline{toc}{table}{Nice table}

How can I achieve this? Thanks.


  • Here is a modified version of the xtable:::print.xtable function.
    You can find an extra argument to add your string.

    myprint.xtable <-
      function (x,
                type = getOption("xtable.type", "latex"),
                file = getOption("xtable.file", ""),
                append = getOption("xtable.append",  FALSE),
                floating = getOption("xtable.floating", TRUE),
                floating.environment = getOption("xtable.floating.environment", "table"),
                table.placement = getOption("xtable.table.placement", "ht"),
                caption.placement = getOption("xtable.caption.placement",  "bottom"),
                caption.width = getOption("xtable.caption.width",  NULL),
                latex.environments = getOption("xtable.latex.environments", c("center")),
                tabular.environment = getOption("xtable.tabular.environment", "tabular"),
                size = getOption("xtable.size", NULL),
                hline.after = getOption("xtable.hline.after", c(-1, 0, nrow(x))),
                NA.string = getOption("xtable.NA.string", ""),
                include.rownames = getOption("xtable.include.rownames", TRUE),
                include.colnames = getOption("xtable.include.colnames", TRUE),
                only.contents = getOption("xtable.only.contents", FALSE),
       = getOption("", NULL),
                sanitize.text.function = getOption("xtable.sanitize.text.function", NULL),
                sanitize.rownames.function = getOption("xtable.sanitize.rownames.function",  sanitize.text.function),
                sanitize.colnames.function = getOption("xtable.sanitize.colnames.function",  sanitize.text.function),
       = getOption("", FALSE),
       = getOption("",  FALSE),
                html.table.attributes = getOption("xtable.html.table.attributes", "border=1"),
                print.results = getOption("xtable.print.results", TRUE),
                format.args = getOption("xtable.format.args", NULL),
                rotate.rownames = getOption("xtable.rotate.rownames", FALSE),
                rotate.colnames = getOption("xtable.rotate.colnames", FALSE),
                booktabs = getOption("xtable.booktabs", FALSE),
                scalebox = getOption("xtable.scalebox", NULL),
                width = getOption("xtable.width", NULL),
                comment = getOption("xtable.comment", TRUE),
                timestamp = getOption("xtable.timestamp", date()),
                extra = NULL,
                ...) {
        caption <- attr(x, "caption", exact = TRUE)
        short.caption <- NULL
        if (!is.null(caption) && length(caption) > 1) {
          short.caption <- caption[2]
          caption <- caption[1]
        pos <- 0
        if (include.rownames)
          pos <- 1
        if (any(hline.after < -1) | any(hline.after > nrow(x))) {
          stop("'hline.after' must be inside [-1, ", nrow(x),
        if (!is.null( {
          if (is.list( && length( == 2) {
            if (is.null(names( {
              names( <- c("pos", "command")
            else if (any(sort(names( != c("command", "pos"))) {
              stop("the names of the elements of '' must be 'pos' and 'command'")
            if (is.list($pos) &&
                is.vector($command, mode = "character")) {
              if ((npos <-
                   length($pos)) != length($command)) {
                  "the length of '$pos' must be equal to the length of '$command'"
              if (any(unlist($pos) < -1) |
                  any(unlist($pos) >  nrow(x))) {
                stop("the values in$pos must be inside the interval [-1, ",
            else {
                "the first argument ('pos') of '' must be a list, the second argument ('command') must be a vector of mode character"
          else {
            stop("'' argument must be a list of length 2")
        else {
 <- list(pos = list(),
                             command = vector(length = 0,
                                              mode = "character"))
          npos <- 0
        if (type == "latex") {
          if (!booktabs) {
            PHEADER <- "\\hline\n"
          else {
            if (is.null(hline.after)) {
              PHEADER <- ""
            else {
              hline.after <- sort(hline.after)
              PHEADER <- rep("\\midrule\n", length(hline.after))
              if (hline.after[1] == -1) {
                PHEADER[1] <- "\\toprule\n"
              if (hline.after[length(hline.after)] == nrow(x)) {
                PHEADER[length(hline.after)] <- "\\bottomrule\n"
        else {
          PHEADER <- ""
        lastcol <- rep(" ", nrow(x) + 2)
        if (!is.null(hline.after)) {
          if (!booktabs) {
  $pos[[npos + 1]] <- hline.after
          else {
            for (i in 1:length(hline.after)) {
    $pos[[npos + i]] <- hline.after[i]
$command <- c($command, PHEADER)
        if (length($command) > 0) {
          for (i in 1:length($command)) {
            addpos <-$pos[[i]]
            freq <- table(addpos)
            addpos <- unique(addpos)
            for (j in 1:length(addpos)) {
              lastcol[addpos[j] + 2] <- paste(lastcol[addpos[j] +
                                                        2], paste(
                                                          rep($command[i], freq[j]),
                                                          sep = "",
                                                          collapse = ""
                                                        ), sep = " ")
        if (length(type) > 1)
          stop("\"type\" must have length 1")
        type <- tolower(type)
        if (!all(!, c("latex", "html"))))) {
          stop("\"type\" must be in {\"latex\", \"html\"}")
        if (("margintable" %in% floating.environment) &
            (!is.null(table.placement))) {
          warning("margintable does not allow for table placement; setting table.placement to NULL")
          table.placement <- NULL
        if (!is.null(table.placement) &&
                              split = "")), c("H", "h", "t",
                                              "b", "p", "!")
            )))) {
            "\"table.placement\" must contain only elements of {\"h\",\"t\",\"b\",\"p\",\"!\"}"
        if (!all(!, c("bottom",
                                                   "top"))))) {
          stop("\"caption.placement\" must be either {\"bottom\",\"top\"}")
        if (type == "latex") {
          BCOMMENT <- "% "
          ECOMMENT <- "\n"
          if (tabular.environment == "longtable" & floating ==
              TRUE) {
            warning("Attempt to use \"longtable\" with floating = TRUE. Changing to FALSE.")
            floating <- FALSE
          if (floating == TRUE) {
            BTABLE <- paste(
                paste("[", table.placement, "]",
                      sep = ""),
              sep = ""
            if (is.null(latex.environments) ||
                (length(latex.environments) ==
                 0)) {
              BENVIRONMENT <- ""
              EENVIRONMENT <- ""
            else {
              BENVIRONMENT <- ""
              EENVIRONMENT <- ""
              if ("center" %in% latex.environments) {
                BENVIRONMENT <- paste(BENVIRONMENT, "\\centering\n",
                                      sep = "")
              for (i in 1:length(latex.environments)) {
                if (latex.environments[i] == "")
                if (latex.environments[i] != "center") {
                  BENVIRONMENT <- paste(BENVIRONMENT,
                                        sep = "")
                  EENVIRONMENT <- paste("\\end{",
                                        sep = "")
            ETABLE <- paste("\\end{", floating.environment,
                            "}\n", sep = "")
          else {
            BTABLE <- ""
            ETABLE <- ""
            BENVIRONMENT <- ""
            EENVIRONMENT <- ""
          tmp.index.start <- 1
          if (!include.rownames) {
            while (attr(x, "align", exact = TRUE)[tmp.index.start] ==
              tmp.index.start <- tmp.index.start +
            tmp.index.start <- tmp.index.start + 1
          if (is.null(width)) {
            WIDTH <- ""
          else if (is.element(tabular.environment, c("tabular",
                                                     "longtable"))) {
              "Ignoring 'width' argument.  The 'tabular' and 'longtable' environments do not support a width specification.  Use another environment such as 'tabular*' or 'tabularx' to specify the width."
            WIDTH <- ""
          else {
            WIDTH <- paste("{", width, "}", sep = "")
          BTABULAR <- paste(
              x, "align",
              exact = TRUE
                                          "align", exact = TRUE))], "}\n"),
            sep = "", collapse = ""),
            sep = ""
          if (tabular.environment == "longtable" && caption.placement ==
              "top") {
            if (is.null(short.caption)) {
              BCAPTION <- "\\caption{"
            else {
              BCAPTION <- paste("\\caption[", short.caption,
                                "]{", sep = "")
            ECAPTION <- "} \\\\ \n"
            if ((!is.null(caption)) && (type == "latex")) {
              BTABULAR <- paste(BTABULAR, BCAPTION, caption,
                                ECAPTION, sep = "")
          BTABULAR <- paste(BTABULAR, lastcol[1], sep = "")
          ETABULAR <- paste("\\end{", tabular.environment,
                            "}\n", sep = "")
          if (!is.null(scalebox)) {
            BTABULAR <- paste("\\scalebox{", scalebox,
                              "}{\n", BTABULAR, sep = "")
            ETABULAR <- paste(ETABULAR, "}\n", sep = "")
          if (is.null(size) || !is.character(size)) {
            BSIZE <- ""
            ESIZE <- ""
          else {
            if (length(grep("^\\\\", size)) == 0) {
              size <- paste("\\", size, sep = "")
            BSIZE <- paste("\\begingroup", size, "\n",
                           sep = "")
            ESIZE <- "\\endgroup\n"
          BLABEL <- "\\label{"
          ELABEL <- "}\n"
          if (!is.null(caption.width)) {
            BCAPTION <- paste("\\parbox{", caption.width,
                              "}{", sep = "")
            ECAPTION <- "}"
          else {
            BCAPTION <- NULL
            ECAPTION <- NULL
          if (is.null(short.caption)) {
            BCAPTION <- paste(BCAPTION, "\\caption{", sep = "")
          else {
            BCAPTION <- paste(BCAPTION, "\\caption[", short.caption,
                              "]{", sep = "")
          ECAPTION <- paste(ECAPTION, "} \n", sep = "")
          BROW <- ""
          EROW <- " \\\\ \n"
          BTH <- ""
          ETH <- ""
          STH <- " & "
          BTD1 <- " & "
          BTD2 <- ""
          BTD3 <- ""
          ETD <- ""
        else {
          BCOMMENT <- "<!-- "
          ECOMMENT <- " -->\n"
          BTABLE <- paste("<table ", html.table.attributes,
                          ">\n", sep = "")
          ETABLE <- "</table>\n"
          BENVIRONMENT <- ""
          EENVIRONMENT <- ""
          BTABULAR <- ""
          ETABULAR <- ""
          BSIZE <- ""
          ESIZE <- ""
          BLABEL <- "<a name="
          ELABEL <- "></a>\n"
          BCAPTION <- paste("<caption align=\"", caption.placement,
                            "\"> ", sep = "")
          ECAPTION <- " </caption>\n"
          BROW <- "<tr>"
          EROW <- " </tr>\n"
          BTH <- " <th> "
          ETH <- " </th> "
          STH <- " </th> <th> "
          BTD1 <- " <td align=\""
          align.tmp <- attr(x, "align", exact = TRUE)
          align.tmp <- align.tmp[align.tmp != "|"]
          if (nrow(x) == 0) {
            BTD2 <- matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = ncol(x) + pos)
          else {
            BTD2 <- matrix(
              align.tmp[(2 - pos):(ncol(x) + 1)],
              nrow = nrow(x),
              ncol = ncol(x) + pos,
              byrow = TRUE
          BTD2[regexpr("^p", BTD2) > 0] <- "left"
          BTD2[BTD2 == "r"] <- "right"
          BTD2[BTD2 == "l"] <- "left"
          BTD2[BTD2 == "c"] <- "center"
          BTD3 <- "\"> "
          ETD <- " </td>"
        result <- xtable:::string("", file = file, append = append)
        info <- R.Version()
        if (comment) {
          result <-
            result + BCOMMENT + type + " table generated in "+info$language + " "+info$major + "."+info$minor + " by xtable "+packageDescription("xtable")$Version +
            " package"+ECOMMENT
          if (!is.null(timestamp)) {
            result <- result + BCOMMENT + timestamp + ECOMMENT
        if (!only.contents) {
          result <- result + BTABLE
          result <- result + BENVIRONMENT
          if (floating == TRUE) {
            if ((!is.null(caption)) && (type == "html" ||
                                        caption.placement == "top")) {
              result <- result + BCAPTION + xtable:::as.string(caption) +
            if (!is.null(attr(x, "label", exact = TRUE)) &&
                (type == "latex" && caption.placement ==
                 "top")) {
              result <- result + BLABEL + attr(x, "label",
                                               exact = TRUE) + ELABEL
          result <- result + BSIZE
          result <- result + BTABULAR
        if (include.colnames) {
          result <- result + BROW + BTH
          if (include.rownames) {
            result <- result + STH
          if (is.null(sanitize.colnames.function)) {
            CNAMES <- sanitize(names(x), type = type)
          else {
            CNAMES <- sanitize.colnames.function(names(x))
          if (rotate.colnames) {
            CNAMES <- paste("\\begin{sideways}", CNAMES,
          result <- result + paste(CNAMES, collapse = STH)
          result <- result + ETH + EROW
        cols <- matrix("", nrow = nrow(x), ncol = ncol(x) +
        if (include.rownames) {
          if (is.null(sanitize.rownames.function)) {
            RNAMES <- sanitize(row.names(x), type = type)
          else {
            RNAMES <- sanitize.rownames.function(row.names(x))
          if (rotate.rownames) {
            RNAMES <- paste("\\begin{sideways}", RNAMES,
          cols[, 1] <- RNAMES
        varying.digits <- is.matrix(attr(x, "digits", exact = TRUE))
        for (i in 1:ncol(x)) {
          xcol <- x[, i]
          if (is.factor(xcol))
            xcol <- as.character(xcol)
          if (is.list(xcol))
            xcol <- sapply(xcol, unlist)
          ina <-
          is.numeric.column <- is.numeric(xcol)
          if (is.character(xcol)) {
            cols[, i + pos] <- xcol
          else {
            if (is.null(format.args)) {
              format.args <- list()
            if (is.null(format.args$decimal.mark)) {
              format.args$decimal.mark <- options()$OutDec
            if (!varying.digits) {
              curFormatArgs <- c(list(
                x = xcol,
                format = ifelse(
                       "digits", exact = TRUE)[i + 1] < 0,
                  attr(x, "display", exact = TRUE)[i +
                digits = abs(attr(x, "digits",
                                  exact = TRUE)[i + 1])
              cols[, i + pos] <-"formatC", curFormatArgs)
            else {
              for (j in 1:nrow(cols)) {
                curFormatArgs <- c(list(
                  x = xcol[j],
                  format = ifelse(
                         "digits", exact = TRUE)[j, i + 1] <
                    attr(x, "display", exact = TRUE)[i +
                  digits = abs(attr(x, "digits",
                                    exact = TRUE)[j, i + 1])
                cols[j, i + pos] <-"formatC",
          if (any(ina))
            cols[ina, i + pos] <- NA.string
          if (is.numeric.column) {
            cols[, i + pos] <- sanitize.numbers(
              cols[, i + pos],
              type = type,
          else {
            if (is.null(sanitize.text.function)) {
              cols[, i + pos] <- sanitize(cols[, i + pos],
                                          type = type)
            else {
              cols[, i + pos] <- sanitize.text.function(cols[,
                                                             i + pos])
        multiplier <- 5
        full <- matrix("", nrow = nrow(x), ncol = multiplier *
                         (ncol(x) + pos) + 2)
        full[, 1] <- BROW
        full[, multiplier * (0:(ncol(x) + pos - 1)) + 2] <- BTD1
        full[, multiplier * (0:(ncol(x) + pos - 1)) + 3] <- BTD2
        full[, multiplier * (0:(ncol(x) + pos - 1)) + 4] <- BTD3
        full[, multiplier * (0:(ncol(x) + pos - 1)) + 5] <- cols
        full[, multiplier * (0:(ncol(x) + pos - 1)) + 6] <- ETD
        full[, multiplier * (ncol(x) + pos) + 2] <-
          paste(EROW, lastcol[-(1:2)],
                sep = " ")
        if (type == "latex")
          full[, 2] <- ""
        result <- result + lastcol[2] + paste(t(full), collapse = "")
        if (!only.contents) {
          if (tabular.environment == "longtable") {
            if (!booktabs) {
              result <- result + PHEADER
            if (caption.placement == "bottom") {
              if ((!is.null(caption)) && (type == "latex")) {
                result <- result + BCAPTION + xtable:::as.string(caption) +
            if (!is.null(attr(x, "label", exact = TRUE))) {
              result <- result + BLABEL + attr(x, "label",
                                               exact = TRUE) + ELABEL
            ETABULAR <- "\\end{longtable}\n"
          result <- result + ETABULAR
          result <- result + ESIZE
          if (floating == TRUE) {
            if ((!is.null(caption)) && (type == "latex" &&
                                        caption.placement == "bottom")) {
              result <- result + BCAPTION + xtable:::as.string(caption) +
            if (!is.null(attr(x, "label", exact = TRUE)) &&
                caption.placement == "bottom") {
              result <- result + BLABEL + attr(x, "label",
                                               exact = TRUE) + ELABEL
          result <- result + EENVIRONMENT
          if (!is.null(extra))
            result <- result + paste0(extra, "\n")
          result <- result + ETABLE
        result <-, type = type)
        if (print.results) {
    '+.string' <- function (x, y) {
        x$text <- paste(x$text, xtable:::as.string(y)$text, sep = "")

    You can use myprint.xtable as follows.

    myprint.xtable(table1, extra="\\addcontentsline{toc}{table}{Title of Table}")

    The result is:

     & 1 & 2 \\ 
    1 & 4 & 4 \\ 
      2 & 4 & 4 \\ 
    \caption{Nice table} 
    \addcontentsline{toc}{table}{Title of Table}