I am trying to create Jmeter HTML report through CSV with the help of command but getting below error in my CMD. Please help me what i need to change or enhance for getting the reults
2020-07-23 16:47:20,385 main ERROR Null object returned for File in Appenders. 2020-07-23 16:47:20,409 main ERROR Unable to locate appender "jmeter-log" for logger config "root" An error occurred: Cannot read test results file : XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX errorlevel=1 Press any key to continue . . .
The main problem is Cannot read test results file
and it occurs when you point JMeter to not-existing file or the file cannot be read (you don't have permissions to open the file in that location)
The other problem is with JMeter logging configuration, either your log4j2.xml file is broken or again you don't have proper read/write permissions to the folder where JMeter is installed. Try running the terminal with elevated rights and both should go away