i have google for 2 days almost and i can't find where i am missing
My goal is From the table Customers get the contacts from the table Customers_Contacts for that i have this 2 relations:
My Customers model:
class Customers extends Model{
protected $table = 'customers';
public function customerscontacts(){
return $this->hasMany('App\Models\CustomersContacts', 'id_customer', 'id');
My CustomersContacts model:
class CustomersContacts extends Model{
protected $table = 'customers_contacts';
public function Customers(){
return $this->belongsTo('App\Models\Customers', 'id', 'id_customer');
My query:
$data = Customers::where(function ($query) use ($searchNome) {
foreach ($searchNome as $value) {
$query->WhereRaw("UPPER(nome) LIKE '%{$value}%'");
if($email){ $data = $data->whereHas('customerscontacts', function($query) use($email) {
$query->whereRaw("UPPER(contact) = '{$email}'")->where('type','email');
if($contacto){ $data = $data->whereHas('customerscontacts', function($query) use($contacto) {
$data = $data->get();
This code is searching and getting the results from the table Customers, but the results don't show the table customers_contacts. Sorry i am new with relations in laravel.
Thanks for help.
first of all .. you should fix the relation:
public function Customers(){
return $this->belongsTo('App\Models\Customers','id_customer');
the second argument for belongsTo relation must be the foreign key like in doc
then to load customers_contacts you can use eager loading
$data = Customers::with('customerscontacts')->where(function ($query) use ($searchNome) {
foreach ($searchNome as $value) {
$query->WhereRaw("UPPER(nome) LIKE '%{$value}%'");
// ........
now inside $data you will got a collection of Customers, and inside every one of 'Customers' you should find another collection 'customerscontacts' ..