I have 6 values. out which user can selects any of those values. Out of that 6 values 3 are withplans and 3 are withoutplans. According to user selected values I have to show links like below:
I have made three arrays : $userSelected , $targetWith , $targetWithout
$targetWith = array('val1', 'val2', 'val3');
$targetWithout = array('val4', 'val5', 'val6');
There are 3 possibilities in user selection.
Possibility 1: User can select one from with and one from without($userSelected = array('val1','val4');
), so that time OR will show.
Possibility 2: If user selects only withplans($userSelected = array('val1','val2');
) then OR should not be shown.
Possibility 3: if user selects only withoutplans($userSelected = array('val5','val6');
) then OR should not be shown.
To display OR I have used array_intersect
but that is not working as expected. If user selects only with plans then OR is getting displayed.
if( (count(array_intersect($userSelected , $targetWith)) != count($targetWith)) || (count(array_intersect($userSelected , $targetWithout)) != count($targetWithout))){
// all of $target not is in $userSelected
echo '<p><strong>-Or-</strong></p>';
I have also tried
if((count(array_intersect($userSelected , $targetWith)) > 0) || (count(array_intersect($userSelected , $targetWithout)) > 0)){
// at least one of $target is in $userSelected
echo '<p><strong>-Or-</strong></p>';
Using both above codes, OR is getting displayed for 2,3 possibilities. which should be shown.
I am not getting whats going wrong. How should be that code? If there is any other way to achieve that possibilities please suggest. Please help and guide. thanks in advance.
Assuming you want to determine if the user's selection(s) are present in both arrays, you can simply use array_intersect
twice to check that.
// Ex. http://sandbox.onlinephpfunctions.com/code/248e7414d6a3fdbb2555ac206455a7fa2e894561
$with = ['val1', 'val2', 'val3'];
$without = ['val4', 'val5', 'val6'];
$userSelections = ['val1', 'val6'];
$inBoth =
!empty(array_intersect($userSelections, $with)) &&
!empty(array_intersect($userSelections, $without));
if ($inBoth) {
echo '<p><strong>-Or-</strong></p>';