I'm getting following Error while to creating Zip file in laravel using ZipArchive which will have all the PDF files
"Undefined property: ZipArchive::$close"
public function downloadZip(Request $request)
@$job_id = $request->job_id;
@$filenames = DB::table('analytics_report')->where('job_id',$job_id)->get()->pluck('filename')->toArray();
@$zipname = $request->job_id;
$zip = new \ZipArchive;
$zip->open($zipname, \ZipArchive::CREATE);
foreach ($filenames as $filename){
@$path = '../storage/app/public/bks/case_1/'.$zipname;
You're missing the parantheses to make it a function call - currently you're trying to access a property $close on $zip, which doesn't exist.