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Swift Bluetooth singleton Class handler

hi i hvae a bluetooth singleton class, i want to pass my ble connect status to my viewcontroller when updatevalue. i think need some listener.

my Bluetooth class is here

class Bluetooth:NSObject, CBCentralManagerDelegate, CBPeripheralDelegate {

static var instance = Bluetooth()
func initBluetoothSingleton(){}

func peripheral(_ peripheral: CBPeripheral, didUpdateValueFor characteristic: CBCharacteristic, error: Error?) {
    if characteristic.uuid == BLE_WIFI_EVENT_CHARACTERISTIC_CBUUID {
        let wifiEvent = ReadWiFiEvent(using: characteristic)
        if(wifiEvent == "connect"){
            // i want to pass data to my viewcontroller to show alert
func handlerBleStatus(completion: (status:String) -> ()) {
    completion(status: "connect")

and my viewcontroller is like this in viewdidload or somewhere

Bluetooth.instance.handlerBleStatus { (status) in
    print(status)  //how to set a listener here

i want set a listener when my ble updatevalue then show alert let user know the status is this situation need user protocol?



  • You can send values in multiple ways. Using protocols, closures, or notification center.

    I believe using a closure would work fine for your case.

    Define a variable in the Bluetooth class

    static var instance = Bluetooth()
    var handleBleStatus: ((String) -> Void)?

    Set the closure in your view controller/model.

    Bluetooth.instance.handleBleStatus = { value in 
        // TODO: Display alert

    Then you can send values from the Bluetooth class using the closure. The view you set the closure variable will get the update.

    if(wifiEvent == "connect"){
        // i want to pass data to my viewcontroller to show alert
        handleBleStatus?("Status: Connected")