I am trying to implement Huawei in App Purchase kit to my application.
The request I am sending to the server is here:
request {"purchaseToken":"0000017343ec91821b076fd75f71103a5a85595d2dfd245d708fd6058e676f857792b83622c7fd51x434e.1.100059717","productId":"1007"}
I am following this guide here : https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/en/codelab/HMSInAppPurchase/index.html#0
I am following the same steps but I am getting an error message from server which says :
result: {"responseCode":"6","subErrCode":"211","responseMessage":"6-211-authorization format invalid"}
Which part I might be doing wrong?
In the error you are getting, it says "authorization format invalid". This means your ignature verification data format is invalid. The possible errors might be :
for more information, please check : https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/en/doc/development/HMS-Guides/iap-FAQ