The default call to BigQuery's ML.FORECAST for the ARIMA model is:
[, STRUCT<horizon INT64, confidence_level FLOAT64> settings])
As an example,
ML.FORECAST(MODEL `mydataset.mymodel`,
STRUCT(30 AS horizon, 0.8 AS confidence_level))
But I want to test my model on historical data so that I can see how well my model overlays on my training set. The default ML.FORECAST argument list only allows me to look into the future (3 < X < 1000) number of days ahead (in the example it is 30).
Is there a way I can either look backwards at all with the BQ ML ARIMA model? I tried using a negative value to no luck. And the ARIMA model does not support ML.PREDICT.
Thanks for any help.
Referenced documentation:
This is not possible in BigQuery ML
. The ARIMA model is useful to forecast the future data for a given number of points in your time series but you can't use it to forecast a value related to a point in the past.
If you want to know some metrics about your model, I suggest that you use the ML.EVALUATE
function. When using it, keep in mind that:
Neither table_name nor query_statement is required when evaluating the ARIMA-based time series models.
Below you can find the information about your model that you can access with the ML.EVALUATION function