I have a strange issue, I'm using a TabStrip in Nativecsript :
<Tabs selectedIndex="0">
<TabStripItem (tap)="itemTap(0)" >
<Label class="{{selectedItem === 0 ? 'tab-active': 'tab-inactive'}}"
<TabStripItem class="special" (tap)="itemTap(1)" >
<Label class="{{selectedItem === 1 ? 'tab-active': 'tab-inactive'}}"
<TabStripItem class="special" (tap)="itemTap(2)" >
<Label class="{{selectedItem === 2 ? 'tab-active': 'tab-inactive'}}"
I tried adding css text-transform: capitalize option for the label, it works on Android but not on IOS , Example : Android : Test1. Test2. Test3 IOS: TEST1. TEST2. TEST3
Any suggestions?
After many hours of searching, I found that text-transform="capitalize" is not supported by Nativescript, the only way to do so is to add textTransform="none" to the TabStrip.