I'am trying to draw a line to connect two shape based on mouse move. And I konw how to relize it by using native canvas. But have no idea how to realize it by using KonvaJS. Please help me on this.
This image shows what result i what : enter image description here
And this is the code that i try to realize what I want. But it doesn't work.
stage.on('mousedown', function(e) {
const a = e.target instanceof Konva.Rect;
if (!a) {
} else {
clickdot1 = e.target;
drawingLine = true;
stage.on('mousemove', function(e) {
if (!drawingLine) {
let lastLine = new Konva.Line({
stroke: '#df4b26',
strokeWidth: 5,
lineCap: 'round',
lineJoin: 'round',
points: [e.target.x(), e.target.y()],
function drawthings(){
for(let i = 0;i<connections.length;i++){
It seems that your real question is how to check if there is a shape under the mouse during mouse move or mouse up operations.
Konva has a hit detection approach that I will let @lavarton explain. If you are dealing with pure rectangles - as opposed to for example circles - you can do your own hit testing using shape position and running some simple math checks. See my solution to this question about 'Selecting by drawing a box around objects in konva' which covers the same ground for hit testing and should show you a simple way forward.
The point about 'pure rectangles' concerns the fact that this approach works easily for non-rotated, rectangular shapes. However, rotated rectangles or non-rectangular shapes would require more work and if that were your use-case then Konva's built-in hit testing would offer a lower time-cost for learning and future support of your code.
Regarding @lavrton's answer missing the requirement to place the line into the centre position on the connected shape, change the stage.on('mouseup') listener in his code as below to achieve that.
stage.on('mouseup', (e) => {
if (!line) {
if (!e.target.hasName('target')) {
line = null;
} else {
let pos = e.target.getClientRect();
const points = line.points().slice();
points[2] = pos.x + (e.target.width()/2);
points[3] = pos.y + (e.target.height()/2);;
line = null;
This works by getting the topleft of the target shape (the getClientRect value), then adding half the shape width to the x and half the shape height to the y value to give the centre point. We than get the current line points array, set the values in slot 2 & 3 which are the end.x and end.y, give that back to the line and redraw the layer.
@lavrton should modify his example as above and be awarded the correct answer.