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Xamarin - IO operations fail when using PCLStorage mirrors

so I'm trying to access the file system on a Xamarin Forms project, I used several projects including:




All are Net Standard mirrors of PCL Storage, no code change is required.

I can grab the current file system from my Forms project and grab the root folder of the local storage, response is something like:


When I try to perform any operation on this path, E.G:

await FileUtility.RootFolder.CreateFolderAsync("test", CreationCollisionOption.FailIfExists);
await FileUtility.RootFolder.GetFoldersAsync();
await FileUtility.RootFolder.CreateFileAsync("test.txt", CreationCollisionOption.FailIfExists);

All operations just block and never return, tested on a OnePlus 6T.

Anyone knows a solution for this?

Thanks in advance.

UPDATE: Clarify that the libraries were referenced also on the platform specific projects as required.


  • For those who will have problems in the future, simply use System.IO for handling files, apparently it works.


    Use it for accessing your app's local storage.