so I'm trying to access the file system on a Xamarin Forms project, I used several projects including:
All are Net Standard mirrors of PCL Storage, no code change is required.
I can grab the current file system from my Forms project and grab the root folder of the local storage, response is something like:
When I try to perform any operation on this path, E.G:
await FileUtility.RootFolder.CreateFolderAsync("test", CreationCollisionOption.FailIfExists);
await FileUtility.RootFolder.GetFoldersAsync();
await FileUtility.RootFolder.CreateFileAsync("test.txt", CreationCollisionOption.FailIfExists);
All operations just block and never return, tested on a OnePlus 6T.
Anyone knows a solution for this?
Thanks in advance.
UPDATE: Clarify that the libraries were referenced also on the platform specific projects as required.
For those who will have problems in the future, simply use System.IO for handling files, apparently it works.
Use it for accessing your app's local storage.